Friday, April 29, 2011

KPSK - First Batch Borned

The first batch of National Sports Management Certification program (KPSK) participant concluded their course with a 1 1/2 hour written examinations held at National Sports Council Autitorium here today. If they pass the exam they will be the pioneer group of the newly concluded curriculum written 100 % by local experts with vast experience in the area of sports from coaching and administration at various levels. 

The course organised by Cawangan Pembangunan Organisasi headed by Encik Suhardi Alias can be considered a reborn effort by National Sports Council to upgrade the standard of Sports Management among Malaysians. The last course on the subject was in mid 90s. 

According to Encik Suhardi, this KPSK is not a replacement of other such courses organised by Malaysian Olympic Council  or National Sports Institute but is supplementary to these courses. Malaysian Sports practitioner is given a wider choice to develop their managing skills especially in sports and can then pursue other higher level Sports Management courses such as those organised by MOM or ISN. He stressed that this new course is not a threat to any available programs in the country.

KPSK will be a structured Sports Management program to be held at three levels and this initial program is a Level I whereby those who passed will be awarded with a Sijil KPSK Tahap I. Tahap I holder will be able to manage at schools and club levels in their district. Level two at state level while Level III for National levels. 

After this pilot course, the program is expected to be officially launched later in the year and then will be conducted nationwide. 

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